hyperglass uses Netmiko to interact with devices via SSH/telnet. All platforms supported by Netmiko are supported by hyperglass.
Netmiko Platforms
Just because Netmiko supports a given platform doesn’t mean it will automatically work with hyperglass. hyperglass has a limited number of built in directives (listed below). Any platforms other than the ones listed below will require you to add a custom directive for each command you wish to make available.
Platform Keys | Natively Supported |
arista_eos | |
bird | |
cisco_ios | |
cisco_nxos | |
cisco_xr | |
frr | |
huawei huawei_vrpv8 | |
juniper juniper_junos | |
mikrotik_routeros mikrotik_switchos | |
nokia_sros | |
openbgpd | |
tnsr | |
vyos | |
a10 | |
a10_ssh | |
accedian | |
accedian_ssh | |
adtran_os | |
adtran_os_ssh | |
adtran_os_telnet | |
alcatel_aos | |
alcatel_aos_ssh | |
alcatel_sros | |
alcatel_sros_ssh | |
allied_telesis_awplus | |
allied_telesis_awplus_ssh | |
apresia_aeos | |
apresia_aeos_ssh | |
apresia_aeos_telnet | |
arista_eos_ssh | |
arista_eos_telnet | |
aruba_os | |
aruba_os_ssh | |
aruba_osswitch | |
aruba_osswitch_ssh | |
aruba_procurve | |
aruba_procurve_ssh | |
aruba_procurve_telnet | |
audiocode_66 | |
audiocode_66_ssh | |
audiocode_66_telnet | |
audiocode_72 | |
audiocode_72_ssh | |
audiocode_72_telnet | |
audiocode_shell | |
audiocode_shell_ssh | |
audiocode_shell_telnet | |
autodetect | |
avaya_ers | |
avaya_ers_ssh | |
avaya_vsp | |
avaya_vsp_ssh | |
broadcom_icos | |
broadcom_icos_ssh | |
brocade_fastiron | |
brocade_fastiron_ssh | |
brocade_fastiron_telnet | |
brocade_fos | |
brocade_fos_ssh | |
brocade_netiron | |
brocade_netiron_ssh | |
brocade_netiron_telnet | |
brocade_nos | |
brocade_nos_ssh | |
brocade_vdx | |
brocade_vdx_ssh | |
brocade_vyos | |
brocade_vyos_ssh | |
calix_b6 | |
calix_b6_ssh | |
calix_b6_telnet | |
cdot_cros | |
cdot_cros_ssh | |
centec_os | |
centec_os_ssh | |
centec_os_telnet | |
checkpoint_gaia | |
checkpoint_gaia_ssh | |
ciena_saos | |
ciena_saos_ssh | |
ciena_saos_telnet | |
cisco_asa | |
cisco_asa_ssh | |
cisco_ftd | |
cisco_ftd_ssh | |
cisco_ios_serial | |
cisco_ios_ssh | |
cisco_ios_telnet | |
cisco_nxos_ssh | |
cisco_s300 | |
cisco_s300_ssh | |
cisco_s300_telnet | |
cisco_tp | |
cisco_tp_ssh | |
cisco_viptela | |
cisco_viptela_ssh | |
cisco_wlc | |
cisco_wlc_ssh | |
cisco_xe | |
cisco_xe_ssh | |
cisco_xr_ssh | |
cisco_xr_telnet | |
cloudgenix_ion | |
cloudgenix_ion_ssh | |
coriant | |
coriant_ssh | |
dell_dnos6_telnet | |
dell_dnos9 | |
dell_dnos9_ssh | |
dell_force10 | |
dell_force10_ssh | |
dell_isilon | |
dell_isilon_ssh | |
dell_os10 | |
dell_os10_ssh | |
dell_os6 | |
dell_os6_ssh | |
dell_os9 | |
dell_os9_ssh | |
dell_powerconnect | |
dell_powerconnect_ssh | |
dell_powerconnect_telnet | |
dell_sonic | |
dell_sonic_ssh | |
dlink_ds | |
dlink_ds_ssh | |
dlink_ds_telnet | |
eltex | |
eltex_esr | |
eltex_esr_ssh | |
eltex_ssh | |
endace | |
endace_ssh | |
enterasys | |
enterasys_ssh | |
ericsson_ipos | |
ericsson_ipos_ssh | |
extreme | |
extreme_ers | |
extreme_ers_ssh | |
extreme_exos | |
extreme_exos_ssh | |
extreme_exos_telnet | |
extreme_netiron | |
extreme_netiron_ssh | |
extreme_netiron_telnet | |
extreme_nos | |
extreme_nos_ssh | |
extreme_slx | |
extreme_slx_ssh | |
extreme_ssh | |
extreme_telnet | |
extreme_tierra | |
extreme_tierra_ssh | |
extreme_vdx | |
extreme_vdx_ssh | |
extreme_vsp | |
extreme_vsp_ssh | |
extreme_wing | |
extreme_wing_ssh | |
f5_linux | |
f5_linux_ssh | |
f5_ltm | |
f5_ltm_ssh | |
f5_tmsh | |
f5_tmsh_ssh | |
flexvnf | |
flexvnf_ssh | |
fortinet | |
fortinet_ssh | |
generic | |
generic_ssh | |
generic_telnet | |
generic_termserver | |
generic_termserver_ssh | |
generic_termserver_telnet | |
hp_comware | |
hp_comware_ssh | |
hp_comware_telnet | |
hp_procurve | |
hp_procurve_ssh | |
hp_procurve_telnet | |
huawei_olt | |
huawei_olt_ssh | |
huawei_olt_telnet | |
huawei_smartax | |
huawei_smartax_ssh | |
huawei_ssh | |
huawei_telnet | |
huawei_vrpv8_ssh | |
ipinfusion_ocnos | |
ipinfusion_ocnos_ssh | |
ipinfusion_ocnos_telnet | |
juniper_junos_ssh | |
juniper_junos_telnet | |
juniper_screenos | |
juniper_screenos_ssh | |
juniper_ssh | |
keymile | |
keymile_nos | |
keymile_nos_ssh | |
keymile_ssh | |
linux | |
linux_ssh | |
mellanox | |
mellanox_mlnxos | |
mellanox_mlnxos_ssh | |
mellanox_ssh | |
mikrotik_routeros_ssh | |
mikrotik_switchos_ssh | |
mrv_lx | |
mrv_lx_ssh | |
mrv_optiswitch | |
mrv_optiswitch_ssh | |
netapp_cdot | |
netapp_cdot_ssh | |
netgear_prosafe | |
netgear_prosafe_ssh | |
netscaler | |
netscaler_ssh | |
nokia_srl | |
nokia_srl_ssh | |
nokia_sros_ssh | |
nokia_sros_telnet | |
oneaccess_oneos | |
oneaccess_oneos_ssh | |
oneaccess_oneos_telnet | |
ovs_linux | |
ovs_linux_ssh | |
paloalto_panos | |
paloalto_panos_ssh | |
paloalto_panos_telnet | |
pluribus | |
pluribus_ssh | |
quanta_mesh | |
quanta_mesh_ssh | |
rad_etx | |
rad_etx_ssh | |
rad_etx_telnet | |
raisecom_roap | |
raisecom_roap_ssh | |
raisecom_telnet | |
ruckus_fastiron | |
ruckus_fastiron_ssh | |
ruckus_fastiron_telnet | |
ruijie_os | |
ruijie_os_ssh | |
ruijie_os_telnet | |
sixwind_os | |
sixwind_os_ssh | |
sophos_sfos | |
sophos_sfos_ssh | |
supermicro_smis | |
supermicro_smis_ssh | |
supermicro_smis_telnet | |
terminal_server | |
tplink_jetstream | |
tplink_jetstream_ssh | |
tplink_jetstream_telnet | |
ubiquiti_edge | |
ubiquiti_edge_ssh | |
ubiquiti_edgerouter | |
ubiquiti_edgerouter_ssh | |
ubiquiti_edgeswitch | |
ubiquiti_edgeswitch_ssh | |
ubiquiti_unifiswitch | |
ubiquiti_unifiswitch_ssh | |
vyatta_vyos | |
vyatta_vyos_ssh | |
vyos_ssh | |
watchguard_fireware | |
watchguard_fireware_ssh | |
yamaha | |
yamaha_ssh | |
yamaha_telnet | |
zte_zxros | |
zte_zxros_ssh | |
zte_zxros_telnet | |
zyxel_os | |
zyxel_os_ssh |
Other Platforms
Platform | Key | Natively Supported |
Any HTTP Endpoint | http | See HTTP Device Docs |